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Ramona Pageant
The Ramona Pageant
The Ramona Pageant is the official California State Play and is presented every spring in a 5,000 seat amphitheater in the hills. We were the first outside agency to handle the Ramona Pageant show in its 73 year history. Attendance was dropping for several years and we were able to stop the decreases. We handled their marketing, advertising, promotions and public relations.

Each year we worked with them, we produced a new ticket brochure

Discounts were arranged to be in all Target Stores and Mervyns.

We arranged for the show to be advertised (at no cost) on the side of milk cartons.
We arranged for discounts to be available in all Circle K stores in the region.

These were cards that appeared on the bottom of newspaper racks announcing a special contest in the newspaper and co-promoted by the radio station. The radio station made announcements to pick up the newspaper to find a trivia question and then the newspaper said when readers should tune in to the radio station to hear the answer. Spots on the radio station and in the newspaper were arranged promotionally at no charge.