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The National Music Bee was created to advance music education in both the United States and Canada and to build music literacy while giving kids the experience and thrill of creating their own music. Consisting of three exciting rounds, its focus is on music theory and composition and has been designed to be both fun and highly educational, using the award-winning Breezin’ Thru® software, so students learn as they compete.

The Competition
The competition is divided into two divisions. The Junior Division is for students in 5th grade through 8th grade. The senior division is for students in 9th grade through 12th grade. Local entrants will compete to reach the second round within one of the five regions. Regional winners in each division will move on to the national finals.
Round One (Local Competition)
March 1 - 11, 2016

The first round will focus on music theory. Students will compete in classes of up to 30 students against other classes in their region. Each student will have access to a special competition version of the fun, interactive online theory game. They will do timed drills on music theory concepts, moving up to harder levels as they compete. Regional leader boards will show their progress online and the winning classes will be determined as those with the best combined scores and times.
Round Two (Regional Competition)
Competition: March 15 - April 18, 2016; Judging: April 19-25, 2016
The top five classes in the Junior and Senior Divisions within each region (a total of 50 classes) will advance to the second round which focuses on composition. Classes will be required to complete a composition activity as instructed in the Award-Winning Breezin' Thru software. Their teachers will select the best composition to represent their team and send it to the national competition headquarters. A team of professional musicians, college music educators and/or music industry executives will judge each of those compositions who will determine the regional winners within each division.
Since the goal of the competition is to encourage music education, those classes who do not advance to the second round will still have the opportunity to participate in the composition activity – so all students can experience the thrill of creating their own music. They are however, not eligible for the awards or competition judging.
Round Three (National Finals)
May 14, 2016
The first place winner in the Junior and Senior Divisions in each region (a total of ten individuals) will represent their class/school and advance to the national finals. Finalists will be given an expanded version of the composition activity from round two which must be completed in a short period of time. National judges will include composers, recording industry executives, celebrity performers, classically trained music professionals and/or highly respected music educators. Top winners will receive scholarships and other awards.