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Gabe Kubanda Electronic Press Kit
Gabe Kubanda Electronic Press Kit
For More Information, Contact Raquel Figlo: 800-405-2636 or Raquel@FigloandLandon.com
Gabe's SXSW Schedule:
Wednesday, March 18, 3:30 pm: Part of Panel Discussion on Touring Tips and Tricks (Austin Convention Center Ballroom E)
Wednesday, March 18, 8:00 pm: Showcase and Record Release Party at Amped (300 E. 6th Street)
Friday, March 20, 2:00 pm: Mentor for musicians and industry professionals (Austin Convention Center Room 8A/B).
Throughout the Week: Meeting with Managers and Labels (please contact to set an appointment)
SoundCloud Music Masters:
Gabe Kubanda discusses his music as his business
Gabe Kubanda discusses his appearance at South By Southwest
Gabe Kubanda discusses his new album
Press Releases:
Gabe Kubanda Biography
Click on photos to download Hi Res versions for print