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Artists and Music Labels
We have been public relations representatives for a variety of performing artists and record labels and getting them in the press. We have worked with artists in rock, country, metal, classical. industrial, electronica and comedy. This is not a complete list, just a sample
Jesus Jones
When Jesus Jones was making a comeback, we helped get PR for his new album.
Christian Benda
Christian Benda is a classical conductor, composer and cellist with 37 albums released. We created a website for him that included a store to purchase his recordings.
Tone Caualties/Casual Tonalities
Tone Casualties and Casual Tonalities were two record labels owned by the animation studio Klasky Csupo (Rugrats, Aaahh!! Real Monsters, etc). They hired us to get press for the releases on both of their labels.

The Pugs were a group of seven artists who gained fame individually in Japan but came together to form a group to break into the United States music scene. We promoted their album and their tour, which included traveling with the Lollapalooza tour.

Virginia Records / Froggy's Country Storybook
Virginia Records created a series of children's audio books featuring songs and classic stories narrated by country music stars Pam Tillis, Bryan White and Terri Clark. They asked us to help them get press. We also created a website for them and this video.

Home Page of Website We Created
Drive Entertainment
Drive Entertainment owned the rights to a vast collection of classic children's musical recordings, many of which featured cartoon characters. They hired us to get press for their collection and to help market the albums to a new audience.
Milo Tremley
Milo Tremley was a headlining comedian who performed all over the country. We obtained articles and set up interviews as he traveled from town to town.
Her Vanished Grace

Her Vanished Grace was typical of many of the smaller artists with whom we worked. For Her Vanished Grace, we created a newsletter and promoted their concerts in clubs around the country and got them press in the towns where they performed.